Hey there boys and girls! Welcome to Sonic Boom! Magazine . . . errrrr Blog . . . Website?
Yeah one of those things.

Some of you remember the magazine that I did several years ago based around the local music scene in New Orleans, LA. It was a fun adventure but ultimately came to an end in 2018. I wanted to return in some capacity but with the pandemic hit in 2020, nagging back problems, and an unfortunate year where I was sort of unemployed, I stopped going to music events almost completely and started to focus on my music collection and I began building my record collection up quickly.
On November 2, 2021 I launched my video channel talking about records and CD's not knowing where I'd go with it and Sonic Boom! TV was born . . . and a few days later I lost my job and almost lost everything else along with it. I survived 9 months by doing DoorDash and barely making it with many days not knowing if I'd make it to the next. My car was destroyed over and over doing that job and was in the shop on a regular basis. Somehow, some way I kept going, the videos kept coming out as hard as it was to keep making them, and somehow I still found ways to buy music until I found my new job.

My videos on YouTube became about my collection and what I found at the record store and at thrift stores around the New Orleans area. I've been wanting to get back to writing reviews and the videos although fun to do they aren't the best way for me to do reviews because it's all unscripted and off the top of my head (Combined with my dog coughing in the background) it's hard to give a real review of an album. The videos will remain coming out as often as possible and this website will be an additional source for more content.
The things I know will happen here is that there will be album reviews, I will share music news from local bands and beyond when I can, and the video channel links will be posted. Aside from those things we will have to see where things go from there.
Talk to you guys later,
Kevin P. Johnson
Copyright ©2023 Kevin P. Johnson